[Solved] passing json reply from webservice to variables

You are getting response in JSONObject and you are trying to get it in JSONArray.. thats why you are getting error..

Try this way…

try {
    JSONObject result = new JSONObject(response);

        JSONArray array = result.getJSONArray("ValidateLoginResult");

        for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) {
        JSONObject obj = array.getJSONObject(i);
            String ErrorMessage= ""+obj.getString("ErrorMessage");
            String PropertyName= ""+obj.getString("PropertyName");

} catch (JSONException e) {


if you want one line answer..Try this..

// going directly to array object..
JSONObject result = new JSONObject(response).getJSONArray("ValidateLoginResult").getJSONObject(0);

String ErrorMessage= ""+result.getString("ErrorMessage");
String PropertyName= ""+result.getString("PropertyName");

solved passing json reply from webservice to variables