I understand the down-votes and the closing votes, since you don’t show the slightest effort here. On the other hand, this is a non-trivial problem. I will assume for a second that you are genuinely interested in a solution to this problem and I’ll show you how I would write this (without having looked too much at the code you posted).
lets=("", "", "abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl", "mno", "pqrs", "tuv", "wxyz")
def trans(pnum, res = ""): # res is the current result (initially the empty string)
if not pnum:
yield res # phone number is empty string, so we're done, return res
digit = pnum[0] # get first digit
repls = lets[int(digit)] # if it is an integer, get replacements
if not repls: # if replacements is an empty string,
repls = digit # fall back to initial digit
except ValueError:
repls = digit # not an integer - fall back to initial character
for i in repls: # for every replacement character
yield from trans(pnum[1:], res+i) # recursively process the rest of the phone number
for pnum in ["borla63", "h3llo"]:
which yields
['borlamd', 'borlame', 'borlamf', 'borland', 'borlane', 'borlanf', 'borlaod', 'borlaoe', 'borlaof']
['hdllo', 'hello', 'hfllo']
Now I don’t know how question bans work, but I hope you use your “time-out” to study this code a little bit and then make the appropriate changes to the one above.
Note that this is Python 3.3+, if it matters.
Hope this helps!
solved solution to this recursive function questions? [closed]