[Solved] Compiling problems I am new to programming could someone check out my project file and see what’s wrong with it [closed]

I apologies for my 1st comment. I made mistake to understand your question. and run your project in iphone simulator. but , now I have successfully solved your issue . You have set InterfaceController as class of both the controller in storyboard . I have attach image with your issue. Issue:- Here i have attached … Read more

[Solved] Obj-C – How to pass data between viewcontrollers using a singleton?

Your addressing, and memory management is just plain… off. Firstly, there’s absolutely no reason to create a singleton for this, but that’s beside the point here. Secondly, when declaring properties, (atomic, assign) is defaulted to if not otherwise specified, which means your string: @property (nonatomic)NSString *passedValue; is weak sauce, ripe for deallocation and destruction at … Read more

[Solved] This bundle is invalid. Apple is not currently accepting applications built with this version of the SDK, Xcode 5 [closed]

Really had the warning in iOS dev center: 5 Xcode Developer Preview can not be used to submit apps to the iOS or Mac App Store. Continue to use the publicly released version of Xcode to compile and submit apps to the App Store. However, given the circumstances, I did not see cause to release … Read more

[Solved] How to use UIPickerView to show date months and Year(Upto 2015)?

It is as simple as that just copy paste this code in your viewdidload. Here in this code the setMaximumDate set the what you want for. That will be your Max Date. Here in this piece of code I used max date as TODAYS DATE. UIDatePicker *datePicker = [[UIDatePicker alloc]init]; datePicker.datePickerMode = UIDatePickerModeDate; [datePicker setMaximumDate:[NSDate … Read more

[Solved] Could you please explain the following code, especially the func statement

If you have any doubts regarding the UITextFieldDelegate see this example. This func is called just before the typed charecter comes to the textfield. This func is mainly used for the validation. Just to understand what happens I have written small code. func textField(textField: UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersInRange range: NSRange, replacementString string: String) -> Bool { print(“TextField … Read more

[Solved] Xcode says: “use of undeclared type” and “‘{‘ after ‘if’ condition”. Other threads on this site don’t have the answer [closed]

Xcode says: “use of undeclared type” and “‘{‘ after ‘if’ condition”. Other threads on this site don’t have the answer [closed] solved Xcode says: “use of undeclared type” and “‘{‘ after ‘if’ condition”. Other threads on this site don’t have the answer [closed]

[Solved] How to make Custom UIview which have rounded cornes, in iphone? [closed]

For this you need to import Quartz framework. You can also set Bordercolor, shadow color, corner width, etc to that view. #import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h> And try this code. [self.YourView.layer setCornerRadius:1.0]; [self.YourView.layer setBorderColor:[[[UIColor grayColor] colorWithAlphaComponent:0.5] CGColor]]; [self.YourView.layer setBorderWidth:1.0]; [self.YourView.layer setShadowColor:[UIColor lightGrayColor].CGColor]; 2 solved How to make Custom UIview which have rounded cornes, in iphone? [closed]

[Solved] Xcode 8.1 beta storyboard not dynamic

They’ve taken a new approach to this. It’s still “dynamic” and it still “takes into account multiple devices”, but the interface is different — and, I think, clearer. There is now a View As button at the lower left. Click it, and you’ll see every possible size and orientation your interface can assume. Click an … Read more

[Solved] How do I implement UITextFieldDelegate [closed]

Your ViewController should be an UITextFieldDelegate. You then set the current ViewController as the delegate of the textField, in this case in viewDidLoad(). Implement textFieldShouldReturn so the textField delegates the return task (textFieldShouldReturn) to the ViewController. In this method call resignFirstResponder, this way the keyboard will disappear. Example: import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController, UITextFieldDelegate { … Read more

[Solved] Beginner: Objective C errors in XCode

I saw a couple of errors: #import “RadioStations.h” ….. // Change newName to name. (like in header says) // Change this – (NSString*)newName{ – (NSString*)name{ return name; } …… – (void)setFrequency: (double)newFrequency{ frequency = newFrequency; } // This must be delete } @end solved Beginner: Objective C errors in XCode