[Solved] How can I found Easy method for this in C# Windows base Application [closed]

Which database are you using? SQL Server 2008 or higher? If yes then the answer by @user3353613 will be useful. If not then you can pass comma/pipe(|) separated checkbox values to a single parameter to your stored procedure and then you can split the values inside the stored procedure to get what you need. Hope … Read more

[Solved] How to create a log file in c# for windows application? [closed]

I would be doing you a disservice to give you “code for logging”, but I can point you towards the File class, which contains useful methods for writing text to a file. Since you specify no other needs, I suspect it will suffice. File http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.file.aspx solved How to create a log file in c# for … Read more