[Solved] 6-bit Full Adder returns with an error [closed]

In your adder6 declaration have this line: adder4 a(.sum([3:0]),c_o[0],.a(a[3:0]), .b(b[3:0),c_in); //4-bits adder As you can see, you’ve called an instance of adder4 a. At the same time, you’ve called an input port a. That’s why you’re getting an error when trying to compile your code. The easiest solution would be to rename an adder4 instance. … Read more

[Solved] Mips instruction single cycle datapath

out needs to be a reg type to be assigned in an always block. IEEE Std 1364-1995 and above output [31:0] out; reg [31:0] out; IEEE Std 1364-2001 and above (recommenced) output reg [31:0] out; Other problem, i0 through 3 are in in the sensitivity list of your always block. This infers complex latching logic. … Read more

[Solved] how to take /use serial input in verilog?

You just need to add a UART (a Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) to your FPGA design. Connect the TX and RX signals from the UART to the MAX232, convert them to RS-232 voltage levels, and then connect to the PC. You should be able to find sample code on your own, now that you know what … Read more

[Solved] Instanciate the same device under test twice [closed]

you need to create a top module which would encapsulate both, dut and testbench. I guess under the testbench you meant a bfm model for your dut. You will need also to create a testbench module which will provide stimulus and compare the resulting behavior somehow. module top(); // declare all your inputs needed to … Read more

[Solved] 1 bit stream in verilog [closed]

To convert Serial to Parallel, you need some way to identify the end or start of sequence. Something like the following should get you off to a start: input clk; input end_of_sequence; input sdata; output reg [9:0] result; //10 bit transmission reg [9:0] pdata; always @(posedge clk) begin // Shift serial data in pdata <= … Read more

[Solved] Implementing Sequential Circuit in Verilog

seq_circuit1 You can’t instantiate submodules (your FFs) inside an always block. Move them outside, either before or after. Your instantiations for jkfflop are missing the clk input signal. based on your diagram, your inputs to the FFs should be combinational logic, not sequential, and should therefore use an always @(*) block, not a clocked one. … Read more