[Solved] Blocked.com free trial script shows blank page [closed]

I found what the problem was. I had to enable errors to see what was going on, and apparently I need(ed) to install IonCube Loader on the server. //error_reporting(0); ini_set(‘display_errors’, 0); ini_set(‘display_errors’,1); ini_set(‘display_startup_errors’,1); error_reporting(-1); Also, they check if you have IonCube Loader in your system AFTER using it… Makes sense. $version_ioncube = ioncube_loader_version(); Fatal error: … Read more

[Solved] Store rsync error in variable

The line you have put here will just store that command as a string and not run it. rsync_error=”rsync -arzt –ignore-existing –delete –max-delete=1 -e ‘ssh’ [email protected]:$rsync_from_location $rsync_to_location” To capture its output you would need to put it in a $( ) like so. rsync_error=$(rsync -arzt –ignore-existing –delete –max-delete=1 -e ‘ssh’ [email protected]:$rsync_from_location $rsync_to_location) This will capture … Read more

[Solved] Can not ping to Azure VM

The remote computer refused the network connection. According to the error, you need check whether your app is running firstly.Based on my experience, if Azure NSG or Firewall block the port 80, you should get error Request timed out. You could use netstat -ant|grep 80 Please ensure port 80 is listening like below: tcp 0 … Read more