[Solved] What is the right granularity for a microsrevice? [closed]

The answer is, it depends. One way to answer your question is to look at how your teams are organized. Do you have teams organized around Flight Aggregation, Payment, Hotel Booking and Flight booking? If you have, then maybe it makes sense mimic this organization structure in your microservice architecture. After all, Conway’s law state … Read more

[Solved] Liveness probe failed: timeout: failed to connect service “:8080” within 1s

i fixed it by increasing timeout and adding startupProbe: readinessProbe: initialDelaySeconds: 5 timeoutSeconds: 3 successThreshold: 1 failureThreshold: 3 periodSeconds: 5 exec: command: [“/bin/grpc_health_probe”, “-addr=:8080”] livenessProbe: initialDelaySeconds: 15 #timeoutSeconds: 3 periodSeconds: 5 successThreshold: 1 failureThreshold: 3 exec: command: [“/bin/grpc_health_probe”, “-addr=:8080”] startupProbe: exec: command: [ “/bin/grpc_health_probe”, “-addr=:8080” ] failureThreshold: 30 periodSeconds: 10 solved Liveness probe failed: timeout: … Read more

[Solved] How to use Apache Kafka to send data from one microservice to other microservice using SpringBoot?

Yes, you can use Apache Kafka to communicate between Microservices. With Spring boot you can Spring Kafka or plain kafka-client API. Well there are various ways to achieve this, and it is totally depends on your use case. You can start with Producer & Consumer API, producer will send records to a topic, and then … Read more

[Solved] Micro services vs web services [closed]

Micro services are a “design” pattern that guides how you implement functionality. “Web services” on the other hand focus on how customers consume services. In that sense, these two concepts are completely orthogonal. You can provide a REST / SOAP interface to your clients – and internally, this REST endpoint is implemented as micro service … Read more