[Solved] Javascript: Issue when using .click method

You don’t need inline event handlers You can use event delegation Use index to get the clicked element index in ul HTML <div class=”grid_12″> <ul id=”categories”> <li class=”filter”>Categories:</li> <li id=”ny”><a href=”#newYork”> New York</a> </li> <li id=”sc”><a href=”#spanishCities”>Spanish Cities</a> </li> <li id=”gv”><a href=”#aGlasgowViewpoint”>A Glasgow Viewpoint</a> </li> <li id=”sch”><a href=”#someChurches”>Some Churches</a> </li> <li id=”bh”><a href=”#barcelonaHighlights”>Barcelona Highlights</a> </li> … Read more

[Solved] shorten my code please

Assuming, you want to trigger the nested button $(‘.Icon Icon–retweet > .btn primary-btn retweet-action’).trigger(‘click’); If not, just set an id attribute by id=’mybutton’ to whichever element you want and use $(‘#mybutton’).trigger(‘click’); 0 solved shorten my code please

[Solved] JS algoríthm for styling li elements [closed]

First; it’s not much of a question as other pointed out. But here is what you are looking for, using jquery: $(“li”).each(function(){ var text = $(this).html(); var number = parseInt(text, 10); switch(number){ case 5: $(this).css( “backgroundColor”, “yellow” ); break; case 6: $(this).css( “backgroundColor”, “green” ); break; } }); Link to JSFiddle http://jsfiddle.net/JQ25Z/ solved JS algoríthm … Read more

[Solved] Replacing entire table row in dynamic table

Instead of $(“#rowid”) you need to use $(“#”+rowid) since rowid is the variable not a selector. /* Latest compiled and minified JavaScript included as External Resource */$(‘#data_table’).on(“click”, “tr”,function(){ var btnid= $(this).attr(“id”);//Find button ID var rowid= $(this).closest(‘tr’).attr(“id”);//Find row ID var newdata=”<tr class=”table” id=”4″><td></td><td class=”prod”>10</td><td class=”prod”>11</td><td class=”prod”>12</td><td><button type=”button” id=”btn1″ class=”add-row”>Replace Row</button></td></tr>”; //alert(rowid); $(“#”+rowid).replaceWith(newdata); }); //$(“#”+btn).click(function(){ // }); … Read more

[Solved] Why do I need to put spaces inside arrays in JavaScript? [closed]

Sorry but I don’t know how did you got that conclusion, but it seems to work fine for me. See this fiddle. $(‘#div1′).animate({height:’100px’},{queue:false,duration:100}); $(‘#div2’).animate({ height: ‘100px’ }, { queue: false, duration: 100 }); I remove all spaces from the first ones and it still get working. 6 solved Why do I need to put spaces … Read more

[Solved] how to add icon on title in jquery dialog-extend

i got solution to add custom icon on title code is below: $(function(){ // ADD HTML FOR NEW BUTTON var newBtn = ‘<a class=”ui-dialog-titlebar-refresh ui-corner-all ui-state-default” href=”#” role=”button” style=”position: absolute; top: 50%; right: 5.5em; margin-top: -10px; height: 18px;”><span class=”ui-icon ui-icon-refresh”>refresh</span></a>’; ////auto open dialog///////////// //check cookie if( document.cookie.indexOf( “Once=true” ) < 0 ) { //dialog options … Read more

[Solved] Printing an HTML form using jQuery

From what I can understand, you want the text that is typed in the text1 and text2 input fields. You can do so with the .val() function, like this: $(“#print”).click(function(){ alert($(‘#l’).val() + ‘\n’ + $(‘#m’).val()); window.print(); }); solved Printing an HTML form using jQuery

[Solved] HTML 5 page navigation

HTML <nav> <a href=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18208789/index.html”>Index</a> <a href=”contact.html”>Contact</a> </nav> <section id=”content”></section> jQuery $(function(){ $(‘nav a’).on(‘click’, function(e) { var htmlFile = $(this).attr(‘href’); e.preventDefault(); $(‘#content’).load(htmlFile); }); }); 3 solved HTML 5 page navigation

[Solved] Running multiple sorts on JS array

Try following. You need to add additional condition of clash var arr = [{“Event_code”:”BW-087″,”Interest_area”:”Information technology”,”Start_time”:”9:00 AM”,”End_time”:”3:00 PM”,”Session_type”:”Experience”,”all_day_evt”:true},{“Event_code”:”BW-161″,”Interest_area”:”Media, Communication and creative arts”,”Start_time”:”9:00 AM”,”End_time”:”3:00 PM”,”Session_type”:”Experience”,”all_day_evt”:true},{“Event_code”:”BW-114″,”Interest_area”:”Nursing and midwifery”,”Start_time”:”9:00 AM”,”End_time”:”3:00 PM”,”Session_type”:”Tour”,”all_day_evt”:true},{“Event_code”:”BW-033″,”Interest_area”:””,”Start_time”:”9:00 AM”,”End_time”:”3:00 PM”,”Session_type”:”General information session”,”all_day_evt”:true},{“Event_code”:”BW-115″,”Interest_area”:”Food, Nutrition and dietetics”,”Start_time”:”9:30 AM”,”End_time”:”3:00 PM”,”Session_type”:”Tour”,”all_day_evt”:true},{“Event_code”:”BW-060″,”Interest_area”:”Sport”,”Start_time”:”9:30 AM”,”End_time”:”3:00 PM”,”Session_type”:”Tour”,”all_day_evt”:true},{“Event_code”:”BW-081″,”Interest_area”:”Information technology”,”Start_time”:”9:00 AM”,”End_time”:”9:30 AM”,”Session_type”:”Course information session”,”all_day_evt”:false},{“Event_code”:”BW-170″,”Interest_area”:””,”Start_time”:”9:30 AM”,”End_time”:”10:30 AM”,”Session_type”:”General information session”,”all_day_evt”:false,”clash”:”This clashes with another session”},{“Event_code”:”BW-032″,”Interest_area”:””,”Start_time”:”9:30 AM”,”End_time”:”10:00 AM”,”Session_type”:”General information session”,”all_day_evt”:false},{“Event_code”:”BW-096″,”Interest_area”:”Media, … Read more

[Solved] Google Maps Onclick panTo new location Too Much Recursion error [closed]

The argument to panTo needs to be a google.maps.LatLng object or a LatLngLiteral What you are giving it is neither (it is a comma separated string that happens to contain a latitude and a longitude: <li><a class=”location” data-location=”52.240477,-0.902656″>northampton</a></li> $(‘.location’).on(‘click’,function(){ pan($(this).data(‘location’)); }); function pan(latlon) { var panPoint = new google.maps.LatLng(latlon); map.panTo(panPoint) } working fiddle working code … Read more

[Solved] Why is this JS synthax error given? [closed]

You try to add a php variable. In this Case you should use “echo” and not “=” var message = “Geachte ” + $(“#person_name”).val() + “,<br/><br/> U heeft aangegeven diensten van OZMO cloud communications op te willen zeggen. Graag willen wij u verzoeken een “reply” op deze mail te sturen met daarin aangegeven dat u … Read more

[Solved] Input type=”text” with select functionality after clicking on Input type=”text”

This can’t be done with the standard form controls alone, but you can make your own. See the comments below for explanation. // Get references to elements used var input = document.getElementById(“selectedBrowser”); var list = document.getElementById(“list”); // Get all the list items into an array var listItems = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(“#list > div”)); // Make the “drop … Read more