[Solved] Filtering data using ‘AND’ condition of inputs given

Instead of using map on filtered you might wana use every instead: function filterYes(data, keys){ return data.filter(data => keys.every(key => data[key] === “yes”)); } I guess your data is an array (cause you call map on it) otherwise its a bit more complicated: function filterYes(data, key){ return Object.assign({}, …Object.entries(data).filter(([key, value]) => keys.every(key => value[key] === … Read more

[Solved] Dropdown Z-index not responding [closed]

There is simple just give .utility-bar class to z-index:1. Because both UL have position:absolute So, give it’s container z-index value higher than other will solve your issue. Note: And take care of next time. Do not post link, post Actual code here in question. Otherwise it is consider as low-quality post. 1 solved Dropdown Z-index … Read more

[Solved] How to send this with php mail function

Name the original and newly spawned input fields ingredienten[] and benodigheden[] this will make them come in as a array in php. foreach($_POST[‘benodigheden’] as $value){ echo $value .'<br />’; } offcourse you need to change it to something usefull I made a example see jsfiddle here place the above php somewhere and see wat happens … Read more

[Solved] Show + or – percentage value for the total displayed

Try: $(“#totalVisitorsCurrentDay”).text(totalVisCurrDay); $(“#totalVisitorsPastDay”).text(totalVisPasDay+”https://stackoverflow.com/”+(100-(totalVisPasDay*100/totalVisCurrDay)).toFixed(2)+”%”); $(“#totalVisitorsPastWeek”).text(totalVisPasWeek+”https://stackoverflow.com/”+(100-(totalVisPasWeek*100/totalVisCurrDay)).toFixed(2)+”%”); js:http://jsfiddle.net/as9k7uda/ 5 solved Show + or – percentage value for the total displayed

[Solved] Embed power point presentation on my page

you can use Google Doc viewer for that. It handles all kind of files : jpg, gif, png, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, etc… Download and include jQuery in your scripts: <script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31513062/./js/jquery-1.11.3.min.js”></script> Create an empty container for your preview : <div id=’previewContainer’></div> You can display it on clicking on a button for … Read more

[Solved] target children elements but not the ones of the clicked one [closed]

Use .siblings() (function($){ // REMAP “$” to jQuery $(function(){ // DOM READY shorthand $(“li”).click(function(){ $(this).slideDown(800).siblings().slideUp(800); }); }); })(jQuery); or in your case might be this (I don’t know as it’s a bit unclear) $(“li”).click(function(){ $(this).find(‘.step’).slideToggle(800); $(this).siblings().find(‘.step’).slideUp(800); }); jQuery API Documentation – Siblings 2 solved target children elements but not the ones of the clicked one … Read more

[Solved] how checking multiple field using ajax & mysql

Write a function and trigger it on blur of your email field. Pass your email as a parameter of your function and check it into your database. This is your email field: <input type=”text” class=”form-control” name=”email” id=”email” value=”” /> This is your JavaScript code: $(document).ready(function() { $(“#email”).blur(function(){ var email = $(“#email”).val(); if(email != “”){ $.ajax({ … Read more

[Solved] It’s possible to create ajax table with pagination in jQuery? [closed]

First result on Google: http://www.datatables.net/ DataTables is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a highly flexible tool, based upon the foundations of progressive enhancement, and will add advanced interaction controls to any HTML table. Please try searching for your answer first. 1 solved It’s possible to create ajax table with pagination in … Read more

[Solved] Jquery getScript showing ReferenceError: $ is not defined [duplicate]

Make sure that jQuery is properly loaded. Use firebug as a Firefox debugger or the Chrome console. Are you accessing a different domain? If so you will need to use a json callback. $.ajax({ url: “http://ihound.com.au/livechat/php/app.php/widget-init.js”, jsonpCallback: “jsonpcallback”, jsonp: false, dataType: “jsonp” }).done(function(data){ console.log(data); // array of objects }); 4 solved Jquery getScript showing ReferenceError: … Read more

[Solved] Set checked property of all check boxes depending on a condition without “for” or “while” loops, a jquery callback is accepted

You can use call back function, while assigning checked property for check box. Try this below code. var arr = [true, false, false, true]; $(“.someclasss”).prop(“checked”, function(index) { return arr[index]; }); <script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.1/jquery.min.js”></script> <input type=”checkbox” id=”c1″ class=”someclasss”> <input type=”checkbox” id=”c2″ class=”someclasss”> <input type=”checkbox” id=”c3″ class=”someclasss”> <input type=”checkbox” id=”c4″ class=”someclasss”> 1 solved Set checked property of all … Read more