[Solved] How to create drop down menu in top of website using jquery, html, css in my exist website [closed]

Very simple way for add drop down menu to add in your website. Check my article jQuery Drop down menu $(function() { $(‘nav li ul’).hide().removeClass(‘fallback’); $(‘nav li’).hover(function() { $(‘ul’, this).stop().slideToggle(200); }); }); * { margin: 0; padding: 0; } a img { border: none; } a { text-decoration: none; } body { font: 400 12px/1.625 … Read more

[Solved] jQuery conflict? or something else? [closed]

Line 219 of wpdev.bk.js: jQuery(‘#calendar_booking’+ bk_type).datepick( .datepick doesn’t exist when called: that’s what’s crashing your code. Possible reason: you’re currently calling .datepick before you’re including the plugin. Make sure wpdev.bk.js is included after the plugin. 7 solved jQuery conflict? or something else? [closed]

[Solved] Can JavaScript be used to hide some elements within a form?

You can use jQuery to implement this functionality. You’ll need class of the HTML element and use it to show/hide the data in DOM. Here is the HTML code: <button class=”btn1″>Hide</button> <button class=”btn2″>Show</button> <p>This is a paragraph.</p> Here is the jQuery code: $(document).ready(function(){ $(“.btn1”).click(function(){ $(“p”).hide(); }); $(“.btn2”).click(function(){ $(“p”).show(); }); }); solved Can JavaScript be used … Read more

[Solved] jquery ajax fileupload [closed]

It is inevitable that you will have to use a “plugin” to your definition, but… Here’s the good news: There’s a really good, easy to use, simple to code jQuery-File-Upload by blueimp that you can Download Here. You wanted it simple: Since you are looking for it to be a simple, basic jQuery… You can … Read more

[Solved] I want to get Data from ajax call

just create another function below run it the way you want as follows. I think your english is letting you down here. function loadMaps(id) { var field = { id : id }; var field1 = { id : id }; jQuery.ajax(‘{% url “mapport.maps.product” %}’, { data : field, nextpage : field1, success: function(response, status, … Read more

[Solved] where does the return of onclick=”return false” go? [duplicate]

You are disabling the default function of the click event by returning false on click. for example : <a id=”btn_save” href=”http://www.google.com” onclick=”return false;” title=””>Save</a> Even though the points to google.com, when you click the link , it won’t take you to google.com. i.e. the default action is returned false. It’s similar to event.preventDefault() solved where … Read more

[Solved] How to make different item list with jquery

Your description wasn’t very helpful as the comments above mentioned. But I’ve created a jsFiddle here from your above code, and this seems to run fine. The only things I have changed are as follows. On your on trigger you have targeted “.kisiliste<?=$sayfa?> .kisi”… I can only assume .kisiliste<?=$sayfa?> references a html element you have … Read more

[Solved] Center an element directly in the center of screen. jQuery [closed]

To center your blue box, it’s position has to be set to position:absolute; if your blue box changes size dynamically, you have to center it using javascript. Here is a quick example: $(‘#color’) .css(‘top’,’50%’) .css(‘left’,’50%’) .css(‘margin-left’,’-‘+($(‘#color’).outerWidth()/2)+’px’) .css(‘margin-top’,’-‘+($(‘#color’).outerHeight()/2)+’px’); Make sure it stays center on browser resize: $(document).bind(‘resize’, function(){ $(‘#color’) .css(‘top’,’50%’) .css(‘left’,’50%’) .css(‘margin-left’,’-‘+($(‘#color’).outerWidth()/2)+’px’) .css(‘margin-top’,’-‘+($(‘#color’).outerHeight()/2)+’px’); }); It will … Read more

[Solved] How to asign same id’s to the multiple elements via for loop through every 5 element [closed]

As absolutely terrible an idea as this is it can be accomplished via jQuery. $(‘div’).each(function (i) { if (i % 5 == 0) $(this).attr(‘id’,’New Id’); }); However, I am assuming you’re doing this to style elements, and this is one place newcomers get screwed up is not understanding that ID’s are UNIQUE elements, their only … Read more

[Solved] How to fix landscape mode HTML5 web app in Mobile [closed]

You can use window.onorientationchange function for this like, function testLandscape() { if($(window).height()<$(window).width()) { alert(‘landscape mode’); return false; } } window.onorientationchange=function(){ testLandscape();//test on changing orientation } testLandscape();//test on page loads 1 solved How to fix landscape mode HTML5 web app in Mobile [closed]