[Solved] How to remove double quotes from JSON Array
Try this: let objectArray = json.map((each)=>{return JSON.parse(each)}); console.log(objectArray) // This will give you the required output 3 solved How to remove double quotes from JSON Array
Try this: let objectArray = json.map((each)=>{return JSON.parse(each)}); console.log(objectArray) // This will give you the required output 3 solved How to remove double quotes from JSON Array
I suggest you to use .data() method of jQuery to provide required extra info: <ul id=”nav” class=”nav” style=”font-size:12px;”> <li><a href=”#” data-url=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24553150/tab1.php”>Tab1</a></li> <li><a href=”#” data-url=”tab2.php”>Tab2</a></li> <li><a href=”#” data-url=”tab3.php”>Tab3</a></li> </ul> As you are using jQuery then better to use unobtrusive way of writing scripts like this: $(‘#nav a’).on(‘click’, function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $(‘.active’).removeClass(‘active’); // removes the active class from … Read more
pack ‘C’, pack ‘N’ and pack ‘H*’ are used to create a sequence of bytes. my $bytes = pack(‘C’, $uint8); # Array of bytes var bytes = []; bytes.push(uint8); # String of bytes var bytes = “”; bytes += String.fromCharCode(uint8); my $bytes = pack(‘N’, $uint32); # Array of bytes var bytes = []; bytes.push((uint32 >> … Read more
Try like this .trim() will ignore the $(‘td’).each(function() { if (!$(this).text().trim()) { $(this).attr(‘contenteditable’, true) } }) table, tr, td { border: 1px solid #333; } <script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js”></script> <table> <tr><td>one</td><td> </td><tr> <tr><td>one</td><td> </td><tr> <tr><td>one</td><td> </td><tr> <tr><td>one</td><td> </td><tr> <tr><td>one</td><td> </td><tr> <tr><td>one</td><td> </td><tr> <tr><td>one</td><td> </td><tr> … Read more
The reason why hulk is undefined when you write: let hulk = console.log(“have a great day”); …is because you’re assigning it the return value of console.log(“have a great day”). Because console.log doesn’t return anything, hulk gets assigned the value undefined. You can’t assign it a string value and do a console log all in one … Read more
If I understand the question correctly, changing markersList[i].currentNetwork to markersList[i][currentNetwork] should solve this. 1 solved Accessing JSON key/value
If you want all the code to be jQuery-style: $.ajax({ method: ‘POST’, url: ‘getTemplate?templateID=’ + str, dataType: ‘json’ }).done(function(data) { $(data).each(function() { $(“#messageBody”).html(this.templateBody); $(“#emailSubject”).val(this.templateSubject); }); }); solved Convert AJAX script to jQuery syntax [closed]
You could do this as follows: HTML <table> <tr> <td> <select id=”mySelect1″ size=”5″ multiple style=”width:200px”> <option value=”opt1″>Option 1</option> <option value=”opt2″>Option 2</option> <option value=”opt3″>Option 3</option> </select> </td> <td valign=”center”> <button id=”toRight”>►</button><br/> <button id=”toLeft”>◄</button> </td> <td> <select id=”mySelect2″ size=”5″ multiple style=”width:200px”> <option value=”opt4″>Option 4</option> <option value=”opt5″>Option 5</option> <option value=”opt6″>Option 6</option> </select> </td> </tr> </table> Javascript (pure) function … Read more
The first call to a Canvas app (by Facebook) is always a POST request IMHO. Please check if your application supports POST requests as well, instead of only GETs. To make sure, please have a look at your browser’s developer console / network tab and have a look what request are actually executed. solved Guide … Read more
Use position: fixed; instead of position: absolute; solved Create a div in the center of the screen no matter what the position of the scroll bar is [duplicate]
I’ve searched everywhere and can’t find an answer that I want. Seriously? Didn’t see what $.each does? A generic iterator function, which can be used to seamlessly iterate over both objects and arrays. Arrays and array-like objects with a length property (such as a function’s arguments object) are iterated by numeric index, from 0 to … Read more
The first parameter is the value to be found. The second parameter is the starting index. So: indexOf(2, 3) Means find the first occurrence of 2 starting at index 3. The link provided by @Roko shows some useful examples of this with some additional detail. 0 solved What is the 2nd param in indexOf(a,b) in … Read more
You can run the code live in Dreamweaver by pressing the Live button. The way you are asking this question, it seems like you are still editing the code. You need to switch it over to Live to see it in action. Whilst Dreamweaver can give you an insight to how certain aspects of the … Read more
Push returns the number of items in the collection, not the collection itself. Try: var currentItems = obj.className.split(‘ ‘); currentItems.push(cls); obj.className = currentItems Instead of: obj.className = obj.className.split(‘ ‘).push(cls); 1 solved Why if JavaScript array.split(‘ ‘).push(‘something’) returns number, but not array? [duplicate]
You have to run the second function after the first asynchronous request is done. At the end of your vcenter1, add: return req; Then modify your code to: $(‘a[href*=”vmware”]’).on(‘click’, function () { vcenter1().then(vcenter2); }); 7 solved how do you run two javascript functions independently