[Solved] How can i give my h1 a border at the bottom right corner with css? [closed]

Use multiple background: h1 { background-image: linear-gradient(blue,blue), linear-gradient(blue,blue); background-position:bottom right; background-size:3px 20px,20px 3px; background-repeat:no-repeat; display:inline-block; padding:0 5px; } <h1>Some text here</h1> solved How can i give my h1 a border at the bottom right corner with css? [closed]

[Solved] Plain simple scrollbar in CSS for a webpage

Are you probably looking for a way to always have a scrollbar present, also if the page is short enough to not have one? Then, yes there is a way. You might wanna do: html { overflow-y: scroll; } I understand why one would do so. It prevents jumps when navigating between pages, which have … Read more

[Solved] Why I can not at font into my table? [closed]

You have to use commas between the css selectors. And as the other people say, important was spelled wrongly. Furthermore, as radiation said, no <tbody> tag is present in your page or table, therefore nothing is selected by the css. Additionally remove the Khmer part from the font-family, as it might not be recognized. #content-area-job-details, … Read more

[Solved] Jquery effect works on only the first id

Use class attribute as id should be unique for every element. id represents only one element that’s why it should be unique. So when you apply selector it only selects the first element that it founds on the page. do like this: <div class=”accordionSlide”> <a href=”https://stackoverflow.com/solutions/wireless-remote-monitoring/index.html”>Wireless Remote Monitoring</a> </div> and jquery: var allPanels = $(‘.accordionSlide’); … Read more

[Solved] Bootstrap toggle doesn´t work when a link is clicked

Having the menu collapse when a link is clicked is not the default functionality of the expand/collapse menu with bootstrap. If you want it to function that way, you have to bind the hide function .collapse(‘hide’) to the click action for those links. You can do so by including this: jQuery(function($){ $(‘.navbar-default .navbar-nav > li … Read more

[Solved] Bootstrap dropdown menu links not clickable

You have errors in your code: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘top’ of undefined $(“.links a, .nav a”).click(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var dest = 0; // Error here // vvvv if ($(this.hash).offset().top > $(document).height() – $(window).height()) { dest = $(document).height() – $(window).height(); } else { dest = $(this.hash).offset().top; } $(‘html,body’).animate({scrollTop: dest}, 800, ‘swing’); }); 1 … Read more

[Solved] CSS Button Highlight post click

Here is a fiddle that should do it in pure CSS. You will not be able to use actual buttons. But you can style the label as I have to look like buttons. NOTE: This will not work properly in older browsers such as IE8 http://jsfiddle.net/ghvst26b/ HTML <input type=”radio” name=”Button” class=”ButtonState” checked id=”Button1″ value=”1″/> <label … Read more

[Solved] How to make rounded bottom of header? [closed]

.div { position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding: 50px 0; } .div-inner { position: relative; background: black; height: 120px; } .div-inner:before, .div-inner:after { box-shadow: 0 0 0 80px #000; border-radius: 100%; position: absolute; height: 150px; /* You can change it */ content: ”; right: -20%; left: -20%; top: 100%; } <div class=”div”> <div class=”div-inner”></div> </div> 0 … Read more

[Solved] Delete the last part of the menu [closed]

Since you haven’t included any proper code and the website link which you’ve included opens up a coming soon page, I am not quite sure what you’re referring to but from what I understand, you’d like to remove the last <li> present inside your menu. If yes, you can do that by setting the display … Read more