[Solved] css align header links in middle

I am not sure why you need to use tables, and I am not sure if I understand your questions right, but is this what you’re looking for? Fiddle link: http://jsfiddle.net/micahSan/eB4rK/ Basically, this is what I’ve done: <div id=”container”> <table id=”myTable”> <tr> <td> <input type=”text”/> </td> <td> <input type=”text”/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=”2″> <a … Read more

[Solved] trying to get an absolute positioned div to center within another relative positioned div

You need to check the height and width of the element you’re centering on and set the top and left accordingly. $(‘.labelEdit’).click( function() { var x = $(“#editDialog”).width() / 2 – $(“#editItemDialog”).outerWidth() / 2; var y = $(“#editDialog”).height() / 2 – $(“#editItemDialog”).outerHeight() / 2; $(“#editItemDialog”).css({“top”: y, “left”: x}); $(‘#editItemDialog’).show(‘slow’); }); Basically, we’re setting the top … Read more

[Solved] Embrossed Letterign style [duplicate]

It sounds like you want text-shadow: text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #fff, -1px -1px 1px #000; color: [background color of the container] Basically you set a 1px shadow offset up and left one pixel, and then another offset down and right one pixel, with a colors that give you an inset or outset effect. This doesn’t … Read more

[Solved] Changing dynamically CSS DIV Background every certain time [duplicate]

You can use the setInterval function to change the image each X seconds and array to store the url’s: HTML <div id=”head”> content </div> CSS #head { background:#181015 url( ../images/bg_header.jpg) no-repeat; background-size: cover; min-height:520px; } JS var head = document.getElementById(‘head’), images = [‘img1.jpg’, ‘img2.jpg’, ‘img3.jpg’], i = 0; setInterval(function(){ if (i === images.length) i = … Read more

[Solved] want to remove the space between two divisions using css

For the start do li { margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 0;} since by default li element has bottom/top (depending on a browser) margin. If you need to “squeeze” the elements even more, then go with the negative values for the margin. 1 solved want to remove the space between two divisions using css

[Solved] How I can showing div element after I hover another div? [closed]

You can solve this without JS, with pure css. HTML <div id=”button”> hover me </div> <div id=”my-menu”> my menu </div> CSS #my-menu, #button{ padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #000; } #my-menu{ display: none; } #button:hover + #my-menu, #my-menu:hover{ display: block; } Here is a JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/p8pqquc9/ You will have a problem with this solution, if … Read more

[Solved] How to change form background color on focus loss when text is entered?

blur is what you are looking for. document.write(“<input type=”text”>”); var input = document.querySelector(‘input’); input.addEventListener(‘focus’,function(){ input.style.backgroundColor = “purple”; }) input.addEventListener(‘blur’,function(){ if(input.value != “”){ input.style.backgroundColor = “green”; } }) 0 solved How to change form background color on focus loss when text is entered?

[Solved] How can css for id same format [closed]

Just to point out that you can do this with just id’s by utilizing attribute selectors. But as others have said, you should really use classes instead body { background: #333 } /* ID starts with xyz */ [id^=xyz] { color: white } /* ID ends with _t */ [id$=_t] { color: red } /* … Read more

[Solved] Custom order list of links [closed]

TinySort is a small script that sorts HTMLElements. It sorts by text- or attribute value, or by that of one of it’s children. The examples below should help getting you on your way. This doesn’t use jQuery and it is fast in performance. TinySort used to be a jQuery plugin but was rewritten to remove … Read more

[Solved] This code does’t run and gives no error [closed]

You forgot to remove the remove class so it stays hidden. No need for all the if statements, one option is to add a data-tabid to your anchors and use that as the id to display the divs. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17261287/jquery-1.9.0.js”></script> <title>test</title> <style type=”text/css”> body, html, div, ul,li,a {margin:0; padding:0;} body {font-family:arial;font-size:12px;} … Read more