[Solved] No Visible @interface for ‘MLVPieChartView’ declares the selector ‘tick’ [closed]

Introduction The error “No Visible @interface for ‘MLVPieChartView’ declares the selector ‘tick’” is a common issue encountered when developing applications using the MLVPieChartView library. This error occurs when the code attempts to call a method (in this case, the ‘tick’ method) that is not declared in the MLVPieChartView interface. In this article, we will discuss … Read more

[Solved] No Visible @interface for ‘MLVPieChartView’ declares the selector ‘tick’ [closed]

I’m looking at your MLVPieChartView.h file and I don’t see a method named “tick” in there. You need to change that call to the object that has a “tick” method. From what I can tell from your GitHub project, there is no “tick” method declared anywhere (in which case you have to create it). 4 … Read more

[Solved] Generating a list of Strings in Obj C [closed]

I cannot possibly imagine how yielding the string image5image4image3image2image1.jpg in string3 in your “answer” to your own question could be construed as useful or a solution (I pasted your code into an Xcode Foundation tool project w/NUMIMAGES set to 5). It seems that Objective C jumps thru hoops to make seemingly simple tasks extremely difficult. … Read more

[Solved] Why use Core data for storage? [closed]

sure, sqlite is a lib for db too, and core data is an object-c lib for database… both are a good way to manage db, you have just to choose your favorite one… and this may help you: http://tapity.com/iphone-app-development/readwrite-data-on-the-iphone-property-lists-sqlite-or-core-data/ 2 solved Why use Core data for storage? [closed]

[Solved] How do I create delegates in Objective-C?

An Objective-C delegate is an object that has been assigned to the delegate property another object. To create one, you define a class that implements the delegate methods you’re interested in, and mark that class as implementing the delegate protocol. For example, suppose you have a UIWebView. If you’d like to implement its delegate’s webViewDidStartLoad: … Read more

[Solved] Insert “:”after 2 string in Cocoa [closed]

You will need to calculate how many two-character pairs there are. From there, you can loop through the pairs and grab the substring from the original string, and start stitching together the new string with colons in between. You need to leave the colon off for the last pair. Here’s some code below, this assumes … Read more

[Solved] what is the use of NSLocalizedString and when to use?

Second parameter will be used as a prompt to translators about context of string being used in your application. It will be added to file generated by genstring tool, output will be something like: self.textfiled.text = NSLocalizedString(@”AboutUserKey”, @”Title for about user button”)]; … // en/Localizable.string /* Title for about user button */ “AboutUserKey” = “About”; … Read more

[Solved] How to pass the NSString from One UIViewController to Another UIViewController? [duplicate]

-(IBAction)buttonClicked:(id)sender { //check = [[NSString alloc] init]; — NO Need if (btn1.tag == 0) { check = @”foo”; NSLog(@”%@”,check); } if (btn2.tag == 1) { check = @”bar”; NSLog(@”%@”,check); } ViewController2 *obj = [[ViewController2 alloc] initWithNibName:@”ViewController2″]; [obj setCheck:check]; //push to ViewController2 [obj release]; } In your second view controller, #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface ViewController2 : UIViewController … Read more

[Solved] iAd issue:–> Every time empty iAd banners is coming instead of AdMobView

first of all be clear about iad or admob , that are two different plateform for displaing adv in your app. i think you are try to integrate admob adv. you need to following steps for it. http://www.edumobile.org/iphone/iphone-programming-tutorials/how-to-admob-integrate-in-your-application-in-iphone/ solved iAd issue:–> Every time empty iAd banners is coming instead of AdMobView

[Solved] Subclassing NSOutlineView [closed]

Firstly, before you subclass an object, you should ask yourself “do I need to do this?”. Subclassing is a more complex way of interacting and extending the functionality of other classes, so you should make sure that what you are trying to achieve cannot easily be achieved through another, simpler method, such as delegation, notifications … Read more

[Solved] Separate strings from given string

Below code will give you result as you specified in question. BEWARE !!! – This code only works for static symbols combination mention in your question {{{ and }}}. If any change made in that combination than you will not have desired result. NSString *str = @”Hello {{{sepearte this}}} and also this {{{ also seperate … Read more

[Solved] Swift NStask function

Try this: func commmand(argument: String) -> String { let task:NSTask = NSTask() let pipe:NSPipe = NSPipe() task.launchPath = “/bin/menubar” task.arguments = [argument] task.standardOutput = pipe task.launch() let handle = pipe.fileHandleForReading let data = handle.readDataToEndOfFile() let result_s = String(data: data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)! return result_s } print(commmand(“getip”)) 2 solved Swift NStask function