[Solved] appendChild method in a simple carousel with pure JavaScript [closed]

Change this line: var firstChild = parent.firstChild; … to this: var firstChild = parent.firstElementChild; Otherwise, you’ll sometimes be grabbing the whitespace text nodes. You don’t need the following code, because appendChild will automatically move firstChild: parent.removeChild( firstChild ); Finally, reset the container’s left to 0 here: parent.appendChild(firstChild); parent.style.left= 0; Otherwise, the -150px offset will cause … Read more

[Solved] Bootstrap 4 Carousel Show 2 Slides Advance 1 [closed]

It is working as expected (one at a time) but because the images are all the same it’s hard to see. Try with different images like this… https://www.bootply.com/9YTnuqUPMs To make the animation more Bootstrap 4 friendly, override the transitions like this… .carousel-inner .carousel-item-left.active { transform: translateX(-50%); } .carousel-inner .carousel-item-right.active { transform: translateX(50%); } .carousel-inner .carousel-item-next … Read more