[Solved] How can i extract the info between ” ” ? C#

Try this demo, put it in a Main method of a console application (it uses Regex so you have to add line “using System.Text.RegularExpressions;”): string input = “AT+CMGL=\”ALL\”\n+CMGL: 0,\”REC READ\”,\”+40728072005\”,,\”12/06/29,13:04:26+12\”\npassword,1,ON”; var matches = Regex.Matches( input, @”\””(?<msisdn>\+\d*)\””,.*,\””(?<date>\d{2}\/\d{2}/\d{2},\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\+\d{2})\””.*\n+(?<passwd>[^,]*),(?<itemno>\d*),(?<command>\w*)” , RegexOptions.Multiline); foreach (Match m in matches) { Console.WriteLine(m.Groups[“msisdn”].Value); Console.WriteLine(m.Groups[“date”].Value); Console.WriteLine(m.Groups[“passwd”].Value); Console.WriteLine(m.Groups[“itemno”].Value); Console.WriteLine(m.Groups[“command”].Value); } Console.ReadKey(); Basically, regular expression searches … Read more

[Solved] Need some help with errors, culmination of a File System Project [closed]

Several of the errors mention that class IOBuffer has no member named “pack”. The message is absolutely correct, it doesn’t; if you look at the header, it has a method named Pack, with a capital P. C++ is case-sensitive! The errors about “redefinition” are happening because your include files don’t have include guards to prevent … Read more

[Solved] returning a buffer in c [closed]

Is it even possible for “main” to return a buffer? No and you shouldn’t. What should main() return in C and C++? How should I create, append string and return it? char aString[FIXED_SIZE]; memset(aString, 0, sizeof aString); strcpy(aString, “This is a string”); solved returning a buffer in c [closed]