[Solved] Weird result from “@SuppressWarnings”

You can’t insert @SuppresWarnings on a return statement. In java 8 you can annotate only classes, methods/constructors, fields, parameters and (new in java 8) local variables. So in your case java can’t parse what you have written. Move the @SuppressWarnings at the method level. 1 solved Weird result from “@SuppressWarnings”

[Solved] How to demonstrate a real time example of using BeforeTest, AfterTest, BeforeSuite, AfterSuite, BeforeClass, AfterClass annotations in TestNG

How to demonstrate a real time example of using BeforeTest, AfterTest, BeforeSuite, AfterSuite, BeforeClass, AfterClass annotations in TestNG solved How to demonstrate a real time example of using BeforeTest, AfterTest, BeforeSuite, AfterSuite, BeforeClass, AfterClass annotations in TestNG