[Solved] Writing text expanding (pyramid) [closed]

What you are trying to accomplish is rather simple. All you need is a for loop that:

  1. iterates as many times as designated,
  2. uses String.prototype.repeat to create as many asterisks as the row number &
  3. adds the newline character "\n" at the end of the string.


/* The function that creates the desired output for as many rows as given. */
function createOutput(rows) {
  /* Create an empty string. */
  var str = "";
  /* Loop [rows] times and add [i] asterisks & a newline to the string each loop. */
  for (var i = 1; i <= rows; str += "*".repeat(i) + "\n", i++);
  /* Return the string. */
  return str;

/* Create an output of 5 rows and log it in the console. */


  1. Since String.prototype.repeat was added in EcmaScript 6, it may not work for everyone. If you encounter that problem, you can supplant "*".repeat(i) with Array(i+1).join("*").

  2. In order to include the above code in your application you have to:

    • save it in a file and load that using:
      <script src = "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49168597/file.js" type = "application/javascript"></script>

    • or paste it inside in your HTML file using:
      <script type = "application/javascript">[the code]</script>.

solved Writing text expanding (pyramid) [closed]