[Solved] Why Python returns 1 for “True and 1” expression? or False for “False and 1”? [duplicate]

False is a “falsy” value and True is a “truthy” value. Truthy is having a value that has “Truth” (truth-like). Falsy is a value that has falseness (false-like). Furthermore, 1 is a truthy value and 0 is falsy. Translating your expressions leaves us “Truthy and Truthy”, “Fasly and Truthy”.

Based on basic boolean logic, Truthy and Truthy is True. Truthy and Falsy is False. Lastly, all of the following are equal based on the previous paragraph:

1 and True, True and True
False or 1, False or True
0 and 0, False and False
1 and 0, True and False


solved Why Python returns 1 for “True and 1” expression? or False for “False and 1”? [duplicate]