[Solved] why nested loop not working in laravel

You have to make another array from your collection.
And then you will able to get anything that you need.

$result = [];
foreach ($users as $u) {
  $result[ $u-> namecategory ] = $result[ $u-> namecategory ] ?? [];
  $result[ $u-> namecategory ][$namesubcategory] = $result[ $u-> namecategory ][$namesubcategory] ?? [];
  $result[ $u-> namecategory ][$namesubcategory][] = $u-> namesubling;

In result you will have an array like

result [mobile and assces]
            [mobile cover]
              [nexu cover]

Then you will be able to “foreach” this array like you want to.

Note please, that syntaxis “$a = $b[‘xx’] ?? [];” – PHP7

solved why nested loop not working in laravel