[Solved] Why my recursion doesn’t work in os.listdir(), it doesn’t go to the lower level of a folder

Your problem stems from poorly thought out and/or formatted path strings. Instead of concatenating raw strings, use os.path.join(). And make sure you’re always passing absolute paths. In that same vein, using string methods directly instead of “+” is often more efficient and usually more readable. With those in mind, working code:

import os

def rec(direc, pre):
    for item in os.listdir(direc):
        checkpath = os.path.join(direc, item)
        if os.path.isfile(checkpath):
            print('{}{}\n'.format(pre, item))
        elif os.path.isdir(checkpath):
            print('{}{}\n'.format(pre, item))
            rec(checkpath, '{}---'.format(pre))

rec('.', '-')

Be warned: os.path.isdir() follows symbolic links, so you could end up in an infinite recursion situation. Check for os.path.islink() if you don’t need to follow links and want to avoid this situation.


solved Why my recursion doesn’t work in os.listdir(), it doesn’t go to the lower level of a folder