[Solved] Why isn’t my math right


Math is a subject that can be difficult to understand and master. It requires a lot of practice and dedication to get it right. Unfortunately, even with all the practice and dedication, sometimes math can still be confusing and mistakes can be made. If you are having trouble understanding why your math isn’t right, this article will provide some tips and tricks to help you figure out the problem. We will discuss common mistakes, how to identify them, and how to fix them. With these tips, you should be able to get your math right in no time.


There could be a few reasons why your math is not coming out right.

1. You may have made a mistake in your calculations. Double check your work to make sure you have not made any errors.

2. You may be using the wrong formula or equation for the problem. Make sure you are using the correct formula or equation for the problem.

3. You may be using the wrong units of measurement. Make sure you are using the correct units of measurement for the problem.

4. You may be using the wrong numbers. Make sure you are using the correct numbers for the problem.

5. You may be forgetting to carry over numbers or forgetting to add or subtract numbers. Double check your work to make sure you have not made any mistakes.

By double checking your work and making sure you are using the correct formula, equation, units of measurement, and numbers, you should be able to figure out why your math is not coming out right.

It is not clear why you expect this code to behave differently. Look at these lines:

        var ExchangeRate = c.GrabBTCAmount();
        var AmountInBTC = (c.USDtoBTC(15000, ExchangeRate));
        var AmountAtMarket = (AmountInBTC * ExchangeRate);

If I inline USDtoBTC and inline everything to calculate AmountAtMarket the formula would be

AmountAtMarket  = (15000 / ExchangeRate) * ExchangeRate

So you should always get 15000 with some rounding error.

The bug seems to be in the line where you calculate AmountInBTC. To calculate AmountInBTC you should divide your investment sum (I assume 15000) by the exchange rate at the moment you did your investment rather than current exchange rate.


solved Why isn’t my math right

Solved: Why Isn’t My Math Right?

Do you ever find yourself scratching your head, wondering why your math isn’t coming out right? You’re not alone! Math can be tricky, and it’s easy to make mistakes. But don’t worry – there are a few simple steps you can take to make sure your math is correct.

Check Your Work

The first step to solving any math problem is to check your work. Make sure you’ve written down all the steps correctly and that you haven’t made any mistakes in your calculations. If you’re using a calculator, double-check your answer to make sure it’s correct.

Review the Problem

If you’re still having trouble, take a step back and review the problem. Make sure you understand what it’s asking you to do and that you’re using the right formula or equation. If you’re still stuck, try breaking the problem down into smaller parts and solving each part separately.

Ask for Help

If you’re still having trouble, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Talk to your teacher or a tutor, or look online for resources that can help you understand the problem better. With a little bit of help, you’ll be able to solve the problem in no time.