[Solved] Why is my C++ code returning some weird numbers even though everything is correct? [closed]

There are some problems in your code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int guessIt(int num) { //when you make the function guessIt(int num) you say it returns an int
    if(num == 27) {
        cout << "You Won";
    else {
        cout << "You Lost";
} //code finished without returning an int

int main() {
    cout << guessIt(27); //What happens here? guessIt didn't return anything, so cout prints something it got that was in the memory where guessIt was supposed to put it's return value

What you have to do is either add returns, like return 0; if you win and return 1; if you lost instead of cout<<"You won"; or cout<<"You Lost"; Then in main() add

if (guessIt(27)==0) {
//TODO: Win message here
else {
//TODO: Lose message here

You can also change guessIt’s return value to void, and remove the cout<<guessIt(27) and just have guessIt(27). (void means it will return nothing.)

solved Why is my C++ code returning some weird numbers even though everything is correct? [closed]