[Solved] Why is C++ not recognizing my object instantiation in main? [closed]

The code has to many errors that I don’t know where to start with.

First, the class definition’s colon “:” is too much and it needs curly braces “{” and “}”. Correction:

class parse_arguments

Second, missing parentheses “()” on method calls. Correction:

if (!parse.get_model_file().empty())


for (auto it = parse.get_input_files().begin(); success && it != 
parse.get_input_files().end(); it++) ...

Third, recreating the input_files list multiple times during iteration, which may or may not work. This would only be safe if the input_files() method was a const method. To be safe, use instead:

const auto input_files = parse.get_input_files();
for (auto it = input_files.begin(); success && it != 
input_files.end(); it++) ...

… and so on. I hope that this helps you to get back on the right track.


solved Why is C++ not recognizing my object instantiation in main? [closed]