[Solved] why in perl array value is not listing on dropdown list using html template?

Your array contains a single element: the string abc,xyz,123,test. If you want each of those things to be separate elements, you need to create your array differently:

@count = ('abc', 'xyz', 123, 'test');
@count = qw(abc xyz 123 test);

Update: OK, after reading the docs for <TMPL_LOOP>, it looks like you actually want an arrayref of hashrefs:

$count = [
    { name => '???', value => 'abc' },
    { name => '???', value => 'xyz' },
    { name => '???', value => '123' },
    { name => '???', value => 'test' },

$template->param(COUNT => $count);
$template->param(COUNT => [{...}, {...}, {...}, ...]);  # same thing

However, I can’t tell from your question which one should be the label and which one should be the value, so I’ll leave that as an exercise for you to complete.


solved why in perl array value is not listing on dropdown list using html template?