[Solved] why for loop is used to generate numbers through function?

yield is not used for one-time storage. yield makes a function return a generator

A generator is an iterable object (which means you can use it in place of any sequences such as list(gen()), for i in gen(), etc.). You can also pass it to the next() built-in function that advances a generator one step forward (makes it begin or start where it left off and run to the first yield it hits). It also returns the yielded value

def gen():
    for i in range(5):
        yield i

print(list(gen()))  # prints [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
print(next(gen()))  # prints 0

gn = gen()
print(next(gn))     # prints 0
print(list(gn))     # prints [1, 2, 3, 4]
print(next(gn))     # raises StopIteration, because the generator is 
                    #  exhausted (the generator function ran to completion)

The reason why you’re getting a memory address from print(gen(i)) is because you’re actually printing a generator object, not the value it produces. So that’s why generators first have to be iterated somehow

solved why for loop is used to generate numbers through function?