[Solved] why fadeIn() function is not working? [closed]

Use the Error console of your browser to tackle JavaScript problems.

First of all you are not closing the FadeIn() function parameter and the method itself.


Second problem here is your selector for the fadeIn(). When using an “#” as selector you are selecting by id, but you have no element with id “login-background”. I;m guessing you want the whole div containing the form to fadeIn once the page is done loading. In that case you need to select the div by id “animate-wrapper”.

Change you JavaScript into:

<script type="text/javascript">
  $("#animate-wrapper").fadeIn(1000, function() {

Last problem here is that the fadeIn() method is trying to fade in a element which is already visible, therefore it is not doing anything. The element you are trying to fadeIn needs to have the style element “display:none” making it not visible at first.

You can change this by adding a style for your div with id “animate-wrapper” at the top of your CSS code, setting “display:none”:

#animate-wrapper {

Or just adding it in the div itself (which is kind of the uglier solution):

<div id="animate-wrapper" class="afterSlide" style="display:none">

EDIT 2 :

If you want the form to slide in from left to the right, like you said in the comments you will have to modify your JavaScript a bit. jQuery does not have a method to slideIn horizontally. You will need to get the width of the wrapper, and animate show the element. Change the row of the fadeIn() method to this:

var wrapper_width = $("#animate-wrapper").width();
$("#animate-wrapper").show().animate({width: wrapper_width}, 1000, function() {


solved why fadeIn() function is not working? [closed]