[Solved] Why changes is one array data changing the value of another array in C# [duplicate]

Why the arr[1] value is changing when changing the value of arr1[1]?

This is your first question, but keep it now after answering the second.

and similarly why it is changing when ((int[])o)[1] = 1000;

This is your second question.
Answer is by seeing what is the initial value of o variable.

Object o = arr;

The previous line sets o to arr, but it’s not copying the elements from arr to o. They’re reference types, so, now both o and arr refers to the same memory block. Therefore, any changes made to arr will affect o and vice-versa. Because they’re sharing the same memory.

Now, let’s get back to your first question:

It’s really the same answer as the second one.

int[] arr1 = (int[])o;

The previous line sets arr1 to o, but again, they just holds the same memory address.

To summarize:

  • You created arr
  • You created o and made its reference the same as arr, so they both share the same memory.
  • You created arr1 and made its reference the same as o which also same as arr. so, arr and arr1 and o, all have the same reference.

Any change to any of them will affect the others.


solved Why changes is one array data changing the value of another array in C# [duplicate]