[Solved] Why am I “missing return statement” in one case, but not the other?

As already mentioned by the other answers, the reason why this is happening is because you declare your function as returning a boolean but it is possible for you to execute your function without actually hitting a return statement. For example imagine if Just to be a bit more explicit here is your code and where extra returns are needed:

    public static boolean checkL2(File file) throws IOException
        Stack l2Stack = new Stack();
        boolean bStart = false;
        char w;

        Scanner sc = new Scanner(file).useDelimiter("\\s*");

        while(sc.hasNext()) //Load input from file onto stack
            w = sc.next().charAt(0);

            if (w == 'A')
                if (bStart == true)
                    return false;
            if (w == 'B')
                bStart = true;
                if (l2Stack.isEmpty() == true)
                    return false;
        if (l2Stack.isEmpty() == true)
            return true;
//Added return 
    return false;

This added return is necessary because imagine what would happen if when your while loop finishes, l2Stack.isEmpty() == false, in this case you would reach the end of a “non-void” function without returning anything which Java does not allow. There is no default return action, you must explicitly declare what you want to return in every case.

solved Why am I “missing return statement” in one case, but not the other?