[Solved] Which type should I return?

You can’t return anonymous types from a method (i.e. select new { ... }). You need to create a class for that or use Market_Masters if it is of that type, e.g.:

public IEnumerable<Market_Masters> GetMaster()
    var x = from n in db.Masters
            join chil in db.ChildMasterMasters on n.MasterId equals chil.MasterId into t
            select new Market_Masters()
                    MasterId = n.MasterId,
                    Prod_Name = n.Prod_Name,
                    Produ_Adress = n.Produ_Adress,
                    Price = n.Price,
                    Hello = t

    return x.ToList();

If the type returned is not Market_Masters you could do something like (replace YourChildType with your actual type):

public class MarketMastersWithHello : Market_Masters
    public IEnumerable<YourChildType> Hello { get; set; }

and then:

public IEnumerable<MarketMastersWithHello> GetMaster()
    var x = from n in db.Masters
            join chil in db.ChildMasterMasters on n.MasterId equals chil.MasterId into t
            select new MarketMastersWithHello()
                    MasterId = n.MasterId,
                    Prod_Name = n.Prod_Name,
                    Produ_Adress = n.Produ_Adress,
                    Price = n.Price,
                    Hello = t

    return x.ToList();


solved Which type should I return?