[Solved] Which statement will change value of x to 60 in C programing?

Here is an explanation:

int *p; //declares a pointer to an integer
int x;  //declares an integer called x
int k;  //declares an integer called k

//at this point all values are uninitialized and could contain anything

x = 30; //the numerical value 30 is assigned to x
k = x;  //the contents of x(30) is assigned to k
p = &x; //the address of int x is stored in p

//now all values have valid and reliable values

Now let me explain what each line you described does:

k = 60; //assigns value 60 to variable k

*k = 60; //attempts to dereference k which is a non pointer type (compile time error)

p = 60;  //attempts to assign the value 60 to a pointer p this is NOT what you want

*p = 60; //dereferences pointer p(which points to x) and sets the value 60 to it

the last line has the same effect as x=60; so it is the correct answer.

k=60; will not affect the content of x, because x and k are different variables they each have their own separate memory. k=x; will simply copy the contents of x into k, it will not make the variables aliases of each other.


solved Which statement will change value of x to 60 in C programing?