[Solved] Which actors have worked with the greatest numbers of other actors in the set of films observed in the data?

select a.*,COUNT(Distinct c.actor_id) as countOfAllOtherActorsInAllHisFilms
from actor a
left join film_actor b ON a.actor_id = b.actor_id
left join film_actor c ON ( b.film_id = c.film_id AND c.actor_id != a.actor_id)
GROUP BY a.actor_id
ORDER BY countOfAllOtherActorsInAllHisFilms DESC

in case you’d like to filter out set of films:

select a.*,COUNT(Distinct c.actor_id) as countOfAllOtherActorsInAllHisFilms
from actor a
left join film_actor b ON a.actor_id = b.actor_id
left join film_actor c ON ( b.film_id = c.film_id AND c.actor_id != a.actor_id)
left join film d ON b.film_id=d.film_id
WHERE d.rating='G'
GROUP BY a.actor_id
ORDER BY countOfAllOtherActorsInAllHisFilms DESC

edit: I added keyword distinct to counting function. Without it, an actor will be counted two times if they appear in two films together.


solved Which actors have worked with the greatest numbers of other actors in the set of films observed in the data?