[Solved] what’s the essential difference between int a=0; and int a; a=0;? [closed]

I don’t know why your IDE is showing the red squiggly where it is, but the problem is with the


line. At that point, you’re in the top level of your class. You can’t have assignments there, they can only be in methods, constructors, or initializer blocks. The reason int a=0; works is that it’s an initializer on a member declaration, which is allowed.

A simpler example might make this clearer:

class Example {

    int a = 0; // This is fine, it's an initializer on a member declaration

    int b;     // This is also fine, it's a member declaration

    b = 0;     // This is an error, it's an assignment that isn't in a method,
               // constructor, or initializer block

        b = 0; // This is fine, because it's inside an *instance* initializer
               // block. These blocks are run when an instance is being
               // constructed, just before the constructor is called

    static int c;

    static {
        c = 0; // This is fine, because it's inside a *static* initializer block
               // These blocks are run when the class (as a whole, not an 
               // instance) is being initialized

    void method() {
        b = 0; // This is fine, because it's inside a method


solved what’s the essential difference between int a=0; and int a; a=0;? [closed]