[Solved] Using make_shared with char[] or int[] [closed]

Visual Studio 2015 doesn’t support the C++17 standard. Prior to C++17 standard you can’t have the std::shared_ptr<T[]> pointer. But even in C++17 the std::make_shared function doesn’t support array types so you would have to use the boost::make_shared instead. Another alternative is to use the unique pointer in combination with the std::make_unique which does support the array types. This again might not be a good idea as pointed out by Scot Meyers in his “Effective
Modern C++” book:

The existence of std::unique_ptr for arrays should be of only
intellectual interest to you, because std::array, std::vector, and
std::string are virtually always better data structure choices than
raw arrays.


solved Using make_shared with char[] or int[] [closed]