[Solved] User-enter values are not being stored properly

while ( choice != -1 ) {
   System.out.println( "Enter a homework grade. Press -1 when finished" );
   homework = dylan.nextInt();

This loop will never exit, because the user’s entry is put into homework, but you’re testing choice in the while loop.

The fix:

while ( homework != -1 ) {
   System.out.println( "Enter a homework grade. Press -1 when finished" );
   homework = dylan.nextInt();

Also note that, as stated by @Jack and others, homework (which should really be named something like iTotalGrades) should be accumulating the input, not just overwriting with the next value. It also should not add the -1 (thanks again to @Jack), which is not a grade at all. Meaning this is my recommendation:

while (iInput != -1 ) {
   System.out.println( "Enter a homework grade. Press -1 when finished" );
   iInput = dylan.nextInt();

   if(iInput != -1)
      iTotalGrades += iInput;

There are other problems, as noted by others, but these two are big ones.


solved User-enter values are not being stored properly