[Solved] Update table, but make a new updated table? [closed]

your code

mysql_query("UPDATE prestataire SET (login='$a', passe="$b" , email="$c",nom='$d', prenom='$e', adresse="$f", ville="$g", tel="$h" )WHERE login = '$a' )");

try like this

$sql = "UPDATE prestataire SET (login='$a', passe="$b" , email="$c",nom='$d', prenom='$e', adresse="$f", ville="$g", tel="$h" )";

$request = mysql_query($sql);

better way

 $sql = "UPDATE prestataire SET passe="$b" , email="$c",nom='$d', prenom='$e', adresse="$f", ville="$g", tel="$h" WHERE login='$a'";

You are mentioing login twice in update and second in WHERE – you dont need to mention login two times

if still not then echo your $sql

P.s DUn use mysql it is deprecated


solved Update table, but make a new updated table? [closed]