[Solved] Unable to parse this kind of string to java [closed]

This is basically a json stirng. Check more about it here:

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange
format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for
machines to parse and generate. It is based on a subset of the
JavaScript Programming Language, Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition –
December 1999. JSON is a text format that is completely language
independent but uses conventions that are familiar to programmers of
the C-family of languages, including C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript,
Perl, Python, and many others. These properties make JSON an ideal
data-interchange language.

You can parse it using a json parser such as




Try these parsers, if you get stuck with the code then share your code and the problem.


solved Unable to parse this kind of string to java [closed]