[Solved] Tkinter, try to keep using the program on while executing

You can use root.after(miliseconds, function_name, argument) to execute function with delay and root.mainloop() (and program) will work normally.

You can use datetime to convert text to datetime object, substract two dates and get difference in milliseconds.

    import tkinter as tk
    import tkinter.messagebox as tkMessageBox
    print("Python 3")
    import Tkinter as tk
    import tkMessageBox
    print("Python 2")

from datetime import datetime as dt

# --- functions ---

def callback():
    var_open = open_hour.get()
    var_close = close_hour.get()

    if not validateDate(var_open, var_close):
        tkMessageBox.showinfo("Error", "Incorrect times")
        # current date and time 
        current = dt.now()
        print('current:', current)

        # convert strings to `time` object
        time_open = dt.strptime(var_open, '%H:%M').time()
        time_close = dt.strptime(var_close, '%H:%M').time()

        print('time_open:', time_open)
        print('time_close:', time_close)

        # combine `current date` with `time`
        today_open = dt.combine(current, time_open)
        today_close = dt.combine(current, time_close)

        print('today_open:', today_open)
        print('today_close:', today_close)

        # substract dates and get milliseconds
        milliseconds_open = (today_open - current).seconds * 1000
        milliseconds_close = (today_close - current).seconds * 1000

        print('milliseconds_open:', milliseconds_open)
        print('milliseconds_close:', milliseconds_close)

        # run functions with delay
        root.after(milliseconds_open, show_open_message, var_open)
        root.after(milliseconds_close, show_close_message, var_close)

def validateDate(time1, time2):
    # TODO: check dates
    return True

def show_open_message(arg):
    tkMessageBox.showinfo("Info", "Open time: " + arg)

def show_close_message(arg):
    tkMessageBox.showinfo("Info", "Close time: " + arg)

# --- main ---

root = tk.Tk()

open_hour = tk.StringVar()
close_hour = tk.StringVar()

e1 = tk.Entry(root, textvariable=open_hour)
e2 = tk.Entry(root, textvariable=close_hour)

b = tk.Button(root, text="Start", command=callback)


solved Tkinter, try to keep using the program on while executing