[Solved] The error `Error: unexpected ‘}’ in “}”` [closed]

The problem appears to be here: sieve <- c(sieve[(sieve %% i) ! = 0], i). I’m assuming that you want “is not equal to”, so should be sieve <- c(sieve[(sieve %% i) != 0], i).

Here’s the formatted code that works for me:

Eratosthenes <- function(n) {
  if (n >= 2) {
    sieve <- seq(2,n)
    primes <- c() 
    for (i in seq(2,n)) {
      if (any(sieve == i)) {
        primes <- c(primes, i)
        sieve <- c(sieve[(sieve %% i) != 0], i)
  } else {
    stop("Input value of n should be at least 2.")

solved The error `Error: unexpected ‘}’ in “}”` [closed]