[Solved] Take a result of two long numbers using an array in Java [closed]

Since you are new to java I recommend reading up on some tutorials. As it seems you are not familiar with java in general. An example, which I have not used myself, is http://www.javaworld.com/blog/java-101. It may be worth your time to read this over.

As for your actual question, you would create a variable in java. Then assign your first number to this variable. After doing this, you can perform some operations on the number.

An example in sudo code to give you an idea while not doing the work for you.

void method
  var number = 100
  number = number + 200
  number = number / 20
  print("result" . number)

If you plan to use an array its the same process in a loop.

solved Take a result of two long numbers using an array in Java [closed]