[Solved] Sum of string elements of python list [closed]


Assuming a, b, and c are variables. You can use locals() function to get all the varibales in the local scope. Calling locals() function returns a dict, where name of the varibale is key and data stored in the variable is value.

I would highly recommend not to use this approach. Rather store, a, b, and c in a dict as shown by @OneCricketeer in his solution.

But, if you still need to go with using variables, here is the code.

a = 1
b = 2
c = 3

a_list = ["ab", "abc", "ac", "b"]

for item in a_list:
    add = 0
    for sub_char in item:
        add += locals()[sub_char]
    print('+'.join(item), '=', add)


a+b = 3
a+b+c = 6
a+c = 4
b = 2

solved Sum of string elements of python list [closed]