// create a variable for the element you want an option for
var styleOptionCityLabels = {
featureType: 'administrative',
elementType: 'labels',
stylers: [{'visibility': 'on'}]
// create a variable for your map styles that pulls any option variables you have
var mapStyle = [styleOptionCityLabels];
// get the checkbox element you want to control your toggle
var cityCheck = $('#city-labels-checkbox');
// apply a click listener to the box
cityCheck.on('click', function(){
// check if the box is checked
if ($(cityCheck).is(':checked')) {
// change the desired style
styleOptionCityLabels.stylers = [{'visibility': 'on'}];
} else {
// change the desired style
styleOptionCityLabels.stylers = [{'visibility': 'off'}];
// call the setOptions method to reload the altered styles
map.setOptions({styles: mapStyle});
solved Stacking Map Styles (Google Maps API)