[Solved] Stacked bar chart in R [closed]

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The data

I’ve produced a table using some of your data:


df <- tribble(~absent, ~present, ~total, ~session,


In terms of producing the chart, first you need to organise your data by calling gather so that you can pass the present/absent variable to the fill method in ggplot.

gather(df, key, value, -total, -session)

This arranges your data like so:

   total session key     value
   <dbl> <chr>   <chr>   <dbl>
 1    3. s1      absent    15.
 2   23. s2      absent    12.
 3   23. s4      absent    12.
 4   23. s5      absent    14.
 5   23. s6      absent    18.
 6   23. s7      absent    17.
 7    3. s1      present    8.
 8   23. s2      present   11.
 9   23. s4      present   10.
10   23. s5      present    9.
11   23. s6      present    5.
12   23. s7      present    6.


Then you can call ggplot to create a column chart with the following:

  ggplot(df, aes(x = session, y = value)) +
  geom_col(aes(fill = key))

enter image description here

solved Stacked bar chart in R [closed]