[Solved] split html text by some special tags [closed]

Try split join:

"some text <br />".split("<br />").join("");

if you have variable tags you may should try something like this:

var tagString = "someText<div class="someClass"><b><h1>someText<h1><br /></b></div>";
var noTagString = "";
var lastIndex = 0;
var dontRemove = ["<b>", "</b>"];
// iterate over the tagged text
for(var i = 0; i < tagString.length; i++){
   // check for '>'
   if(tagString[i] === "<"){
      // if '<' is found
      noTagString += tagString.substring(lastIndex, i);
      // take the left over
      var leftOver = tagString.substr(i, tagString.length);
      var goOn = false;
      // check for tags to keep
      for(var k = 0; k < dontRemove.length; k++){
            goOn = true;
      if (goOn){
         // we found a tag we want to keep so go on
      // iterate over the left over
      for(var j = 0; j < leftOver.length; j++){
         // if closing tag is found
         if(leftOver[j] === ">"){
            // update i and last index
            i = i + j;
            lastIndex = i + 1;

this is not tested to well but maybe it points you in the right direction.
Put the tags you want to keep in the dontRemove array.


solved split html text by some special tags [closed]