[Solved] showing error in java

I’m unsure whether I’m helping you or giving you a load of new problems and unanswered questions. The following will store the count of times the class Founder has been constructed in a file called useCount.txt in the program’s working directory (probably the root binary directory, where your .class files are stored). Next time you run the program, it will read the count from the file, add 1 and write the new value back to the file.

static final Path counterFile = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("useCount.txt");

public Founder() throws IOException {

    // read use count from file
    int useCount;
    if (Files.exists(counterFile)) {
        List<String> line = Files.readAllLines(counterFile);
        if (line.size() == 1) { // one line in file as expected
            useCount = Integer.parseInt(line.get(0));
        } else { // not the right file, ignore lines from it
            useCount = 0;
    } else { // program has never run before
        useCount = 0;


    // write new use count back to file
    Files.write(counterFile, Arrays.asList(String.valueOf(useCount)));

It’s not the most elegant nor robust solution, but it may get you started. If you run the program on another computer, it will not find the file and will start counting over from 0.

solved showing error in java