[Solved] Showing Correct and Incorrect in a quiz [closed]

Try this 😉

var score = 0;
var questions = [
  ['Question One?', '1 Answer'],
  ['Question Two?', '2 Answer'],
  ['Question Three?', '3 Answer'],
  ['Question Four?', '4 Answer'],
  ['Question Five?', '5 Answer'],
  ['Question Six?', '6 Answer']

var cA = [];
var incorrect = [];

function askQuestion(question, index) {
  var answer = prompt(question[0], '');
  if (answer == question[1]) {
    cA = question;
  } else {
    alert('Sorry. The correct answer is ' + question[1]);

for (var i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) {
  askQuestion(questions[i], i);

var message="You got " + score;
message += ' out of ' + questions.length;
message += ' questions correct.<br>' + cA;

message += '<br><br>You answered ' + incorrect.length;
message += ' questions incorrect. These are as follows:';

for(var i in incorrect){
  message += '<p>Q ' + (incorrect[i] + 1) + '. ' + questions[incorrect[i]][0] + '<br>' + questions[incorrect[i]][1] + ' </p>';

document.write('<p>' + message + '</p>');

solved Showing Correct and Incorrect in a quiz [closed]