[Solved] Shooting. Collision of the shot with a collection of List

Without claiming to rework your design, I added collection of dead invaders(ArmyOfInvaders.deadInvader) to stored those ones, who already shot, and changed InvaderGotShot and DrawItem methods. I got rid of Invader.invader collection and introduced local variable in Invader.InitializeInvader instead of it to prevent misassigning. Please take a look:

class Program

    static void Main()
        int stepCount = 0;
        int armyOfInvadersSpeed = 50;
        while (true)

            if (stepCount % armyOfInvadersSpeed == 0)

                ArmyOfInvaders.InitializeArmyOfInvaders(Movement.moveY, Movement.moveX);

                stepCount = 0;
            Console.CursorVisible = false;





public class Settings
    static public int maxRows = 50;
    static public int maxCols = 180;
    public static void ScreenSettings()
        Console.CursorVisible = false;
        Console.BufferHeight = Console.WindowHeight = maxRows;
        Console.BufferWidth = Console.WindowWidth = maxCols;
public struct Position
    public int Row { get; set; }
    public int Col { get; set; }
    public char Symbol { get; set; }

    public Position(int row, int col, char symbol)
        this.Row = row;
        this.Col = col;
        this.Symbol = symbol;
public class Player
    public static List<Position> player = new List<Position>();
    public static int playerWide = 9;
    public static int playerLong = player.Count;

    public static List<Position> InitializePlayer(int row = 0, int col = 0)

        int startrow = Settings.maxRows - 5 - playerLong;//start position row
        int startcol = (Settings.maxCols / 2) - (playerWide / 2);// start position col

        player.Add(new Position(startrow + row, startcol + col, 'A'));
        player.Add(new Position(startrow + 1 + row, startcol + col, 'o'));
        player.Add(new Position(startrow + 2 + row, startcol - 2 + col, '|'));
        player.Add(new Position(startrow + 2 + row, startcol + col, 'o'));
        player.Add(new Position(startrow + 2 + row, startcol + 2 + col, '|'));
        player.Add(new Position(startrow + 3 + row, startcol - 4 + col, "https://stackoverflow.com/"));
        player.Add(new Position(startrow + 3 + row, startcol - 3 + col, '\\'));
        player.Add(new Position(startrow + 3 + row, startcol - 2 + col, '\\'));
        player.Add(new Position(startrow + 3 + row, startcol - 1 + col, '\\'));
        player.Add(new Position(startrow + 3 + row, startcol + col, 'o'));
        player.Add(new Position(startrow + 3 + row, startcol + 1 + col, "https://stackoverflow.com/"));
        player.Add(new Position(startrow + 3 + row, startcol + 2 + col, "https://stackoverflow.com/"));
        player.Add(new Position(startrow + 3 + row, startcol + 3 + col, "https://stackoverflow.com/"));
        player.Add(new Position(startrow + 3 + row, startcol + 4 + col, '\\'));
        player.Add(new Position(startrow + 4 + row, startcol - 2 + col, '<'));
        player.Add(new Position(startrow + 4 + row, startcol - 1 + col, "https://stackoverflow.com/"));
        player.Add(new Position(startrow + 4 + row, startcol - 0 + col, 'o'));
        player.Add(new Position(startrow + 4 + row, startcol + 1 + col, '\\'));
        player.Add(new Position(startrow + 4 + row, startcol + 2 + col, '>'));
        return player;
public class Movement
    public static bool isRight = true;

    public static int moveX = 0;
    public static int moveY = 0;
    public static int left = -1;
    public static int right = 1;
    public static int armyOfInvaderJump = 5;
    public static void MovementArmyOfInvaders()

        if (isRight)
            moveX += armyOfInvaderJump;
            if (ArmyOfInvaders.armyOfInvaders[ArmyOfInvaders.armyOfInvaders.Count - 1][9].Col >= Settings.maxCols - 20)
                isRight = false;
                moveY += 2;
            moveX -= armyOfInvaderJump;
            if (ArmyOfInvaders.armyOfInvaders[0][0].Col <= 20)
                isRight = true;
                moveY += 2;

    public static void MovementPlayer()

        while (Console.KeyAvailable)
            ConsoleKeyInfo key = Console.ReadKey(true);
            while (Console.KeyAvailable)
            if (Player.player[0].Col - 6 >= 0)
                if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow)
                    for (int i = 0; i < Player.player.Count; i++)
                        Player.player[i] = new Position(Player.player[i].Row, Player.player[i].Col + left, Player.player[i].Symbol);
            if (Player.player[0].Col + 7 < Settings.maxCols)
                if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.RightArrow)
                    for (int i = 0; i < Player.player.Count; i++)
                        Player.player[i] = new Position(Player.player[i].Row, Player.player[i].Col + right, Player.player[i].Symbol);
            if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.Spacebar)
                Shoot.shoot[Player.player[0].Row - 1, Player.player[0].Col] = 1;


class Shoot
    public static int[,] shoot = new int[Settings.maxRows, Settings.maxCols];

    public static void GenerateShot()
        for (int Row = 0; Row < Shoot.shoot.GetLength(0); Row++)
            for (int Col = 0; Col < Shoot.shoot.GetLength(1); Col++)
                if (Shoot.shoot[Row, Col] == 1 && (Row == 0))
                    Shoot.shoot[Row, Col] = 0;

                if (Shoot.shoot[Row, Col] == 1)
                    Shoot.shoot[Row, Col] = 0;
                    Shoot.shoot[Row - 1, Col] = 1;


static public class Invader
    public static List<Position> InitializeInvader(int row, int col)
        int startrow = 5;//start position row
        int startcol = ArmyOfInvaders.startArmyOfInvadersPosition;// start position col

        List<Position> invader = new List<Position>();
        invader.Add(new Position(startrow + row, startcol + col, "https://stackoverflow.com/"));
        invader.Add(new Position(startrow + row, startcol + 1 + col, '{'));
        invader.Add(new Position(startrow + row, startcol + 2 + col, 'O'));
        invader.Add(new Position(startrow + row, startcol + 3 + col, '}'));
        invader.Add(new Position(startrow + row, startcol + 4 + col, '\\'));
        invader.Add(new Position(startrow + 1 + row, startcol + col, '\\'));
        invader.Add(new Position(startrow + 1 + row, startcol + 1 + col, '~'));
        invader.Add(new Position(startrow + 1 + row, startcol + 2 + col, '$'));
        invader.Add(new Position(startrow + 1 + row, startcol + 3 + col, '~'));
        invader.Add(new Position(startrow + 1 + row, startcol + 4 + col, "https://stackoverflow.com/"));
        return invader;

public class Draw
    public static void DrawItem(List<Position> invader)
        foreach (Position part in invader)
            Console.SetCursorPosition(part.Col, part.Row);

    public static void DrawItem(List<List<Position>> armyOfInvaders)
        for (var i = 0; i < armyOfInvaders.Count; i++)
            if (!ArmyOfInvaders.deadInvaders.Contains(i))
    public static void EraseItem(List<List<Position>> armyOfInvaders)
        foreach (List<Position> invader in armyOfInvaders)
            foreach (Position part in invader)
                Console.SetCursorPosition(part.Col, part.Row);
                Console.Write(' ');
    public static void EraseItem(List<Position> invader)

        foreach (Position part in invader)
            Console.SetCursorPosition(part.Col, part.Row);
            Console.Write(' ');

    public static void DrawShoot()
        for (int Row = 0; Row < Shoot.shoot.GetLength(0); Row++)
            for (int Col = 0; Col < Shoot.shoot.GetLength(1); Col++)
                if (Shoot.shoot[Row, Col] == 1)
                    Console.SetCursorPosition(Col, Row);

    public static void EraseShoot()
        for (int Row = 0; Row < Shoot.shoot.GetLength(0); Row++)
            for (int Col = 0; Col < Shoot.shoot.GetLength(1); Col++)
                if (Row == 0)
                    Console.SetCursorPosition(Col, Row);
                    Console.Write(" ");
                if (Shoot.shoot[Row, Col] == 1)
                    Console.SetCursorPosition(Col, Row + 1);
                    Console.Write(" ");

public class Collision

    public static void InvaderGotShot()

        for (int i = 0; i < ArmyOfInvaders.armyOfInvaders.Count; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < ArmyOfInvaders.armyOfInvaders[i].Count; j++)
                if (Shoot.shoot[ArmyOfInvaders.armyOfInvaders[i][j].Row, ArmyOfInvaders.armyOfInvaders[i][j].Col] == 1)
                    if (!ArmyOfInvaders.deadInvaders.Contains(i))
                            ArmyOfInvaders.armyOfInvaders[i][j].Col] = 0;


public class ArmyOfInvaders

    public static int invadersColDistance = 9;
    public static int invadersColsCount = 10;
    public static int invadersRowDistance = 4;
    public static int invadersRowsCount = 4;
    public static List<int> deadInvaders = new List<int>(); 

    public static int startArmyOfInvadersPosition = (Settings.maxCols - (ArmyOfInvaders.invadersColDistance * ArmyOfInvaders.invadersColsCount)) / 2 + 5;//5 e shiranata na edin invader

    public static List<List<Position>> armyOfInvaders = new List<List<Position>>();

    public static void InitializeArmyOfInvaders(int moveY = 0, int moveX = 0)
        for (int row = 0; row < invadersRowDistance * invadersRowsCount; row += invadersRowDistance)
            for (int col = 0; col < invadersColDistance * invadersColsCount; col += invadersColDistance)
                var invader = Invader.InitializeInvader(row + moveY, col + moveX);


public class Common
    public static int gameSpeed = 1;

The point was to hide dead aliens from user, but not to exclude them from collection. Your implementatiion tried to clear positions of shot alien, but on the next iteration it initialized all invaders again.

Also notice that I was forced to introduce literal 9 in Movement.MovementArmyOfInvaders instead of call Invader.invader.Length.

Hope it helps.


solved Shooting. Collision of the shot with a collection of List