[Solved] Setting a PHP cookie value to be intentionally vulnerable

i looked at it again, try this:


// this checks if the value has been set already
 if (!isset($_GET['cookie_value'])) {
// if no value is set, it defaults to 0 and displays the error message
$error = "You are not authorized to view this page!";
echo $error;


// Now here if the value has been set in the url 

        //when 0 ,error
        if($cookie_value ==0) {
            $error = "You are not authorized to view this page!";
            echo $error;
        // and when its 1 success
        elseif ($cookie_value ==1) {

            $error = "Success! The password for the next level is...";
            echo $error;


// when a value is confirmed the cookie is then set
setcookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value);



solved Setting a PHP cookie value to be intentionally vulnerable