[Solved] Script to resolve mathematical expressions step by step [closed]

In your link, check source.

  1. Near line 16 you can find <script type="text/javascript" src="http://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/MathJax.js?config=AM_HTMLorMML-full"></script>, this script is used to display mathematic formula.

    MathJax is a JavaScript library that allows page authors to include mathematics within their web pages.

  2. Near line 90 you can find <FORM action="cgi-bin/minimath_cgi.exe" method="GET" onsubmit="submitCalculationF();">.

    The submitCalculationF() function (near line 12 in source) calls submitCalculation("F") function (in http://www.minimath.net/main.js)

    If you type a simple request like 1+1, the values pass by submitCalculation function and the script to resolve is get by a call like this http://www.minimath.net/cgi-bin/minimath_cgi.exe?LANG=E&INPUTERROR=0&MTHINPUT=1%2B1. The script to resolve is here.


solved Script to resolve mathematical expressions step by step [closed]