[Solved] Recursively loop through object to display key/value pairs [duplicate]

I believe you are almost there.

When comparing typeof val === “object”, please note that null is also treated as a object type in Javascript. So please make sure you do a null check on your solution.
If you try to do Object.entries(null), it gives Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object

var loadedData = {
          b: {x:1, c:3, d: [{x: null}]},
          r: {e:[{s:[34]}], f:{t: 4}, g: [{rr: 2}]}
         const keyValuePairFuncs = (obj) => {
                if(!obj) return;  // Added a null check for  Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
                for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(obj)) {
                    console.log(`${key}: ${JSON.stringify(val)}`)
                    if (typeof val === "object") {
                        keyValuePairFuncs(val);   // recursively call the function


solved Recursively loop through object to display key/value pairs [duplicate]